مشاهير بإسم هدى ما أكثر أشكال و أنواع الحروف الإنجليزية، يمكنك كتابة الكلمة بمئات الأشكال
المختلفة و المميزة والرائعةكن مميّزاً واختر اسم كول لاستخدامه.
هَدَى ( فعل ): – أَرشَدَ
– Give counsel to
– Act as usher to
– Show the way to
– Guide or show the way to
– Guide or act like a pilot of something
– To try hard to manage a particular aim
– To be in charge of something or control it
– To show or tell someone how they should behave or what they should think
– advise; conduct; counsel; direct; guide; lead; pilot; teach; usher; instruct; advice; command; head
هُدًى : – إِرْشاد
– Controlling the direction of a ship
– Noun gerund of verb (to usher)
– Noun gerund of verb to direct
– Showing the right path or manner of behaving (to)
– Act of directing something towards a particular purpose or according to the plan
– advice; directing; direction; guiding; leading; management
هُدًى : – رَشَاد، رُشْد
– Controlling the direction of a ship
– Right course of action or manner of behaving
– Act of directing something towards a particular purpose or according to the plan
– steering; suggestion; directing; consultation; channeling
اسم هدى بالانجليزي
- اسم هدا بل انكليزي
- اسم هدى بالانجليزي
- اسم هدى بلنجلزي
- كيف يكتب اسم هدى بالانجليزي